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Volunteer Release Form


In Which Capacity Do You Intend to Volunteer?requiredPlease select up to 4 choices
Please select up to 4 choices
I agree to abide by all relevant Board policies and administrative guidelines while on duty for the District. I understand that, although I am covered under the District's liability insurance policy, I am not covered by its health insurance policy nor am I eligible for workers' compensation. Should I become ill or suffer an accident while doing volunteer work for the District, I agree that I shall be responsible for any and all hospital and medical charges that may accrue. 
I understand further that, as a volunteer, I am not in any manner considered an employee of the District or entitled to any benefits provided to employees. I further release the Board of Education from any and all liability for any damages, whatever their nature, which may result as a consequence of my volunteer services. 
For the protection of the children in the school, the District requires potential volunteers to have an ICHAT check or be fingerprinted. This allows the District to check whether the potential volunteer has ever been convicted of a crime related to children. We would appreciate your cooperation by indicating that you have never been convicted of any of the following offenses: aggravated murder, murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, felonious assault, aggravated assault, assault, aggravated menacing, abuse or neglect of a child, kidnapping, abduction, child stealing, criminal child enticement, rape, sexual battery, corruption of a minor, gross sexual imposition, importuning, voyeurism, public indecency, felonious sexual penetration, compelling prostitution, promoting prostitution, procuring prostitution, disseminating matter harmful to juvenile, pandering obscenity involving a minor, pandering sexually-oriented matter involving a minor, illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material or performance, endangering children, contributing to the delinquency of children, carrying concealed weapons, improperly discharing a firearm at or into a school or house, corrupting another with drugs, placing harmful objects in or adulterating food or confection. 
The District reserves the right to exclude any individual, regardless of reason, from volunteering at district events and in district classrooms. Individuals with prior felony convictions are automatically denied. Depending on the level of interaction with students, the District will complete either an online criminal records search or require volunteers to be fingerprinted prior to volunteering. 
Volunteer Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Must contain only numbers
Students' Namerequired
First Name
Last Name